Sunday, January 4, 2009

Oh Kayla, you're so cute!

I finally decided to take Kayla's Jumperoo out of the box and put it together. Here she is trying it out for the first time. You can't tell in this picture, but her feet don't touch the ground yet and it's on the lowest setting. She seemed to like it anyway. I've since then put a pillow underneath so that she can use her feet to bounce. She'll be ready for the walker soon!

She loves her Binky now! For three months I tried to get her to take it and she'd just spit it out. I even tried several different shapes and sizes. Now she can't live without it. She prefers to suck on her fists, but I'm trying to not let her get in the habit of that. I'm relieved because finally there is something that helps to stop her crying!

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