Monday, June 6, 2011

May 18 - Sarah's Birthday

My birthday fell on a Wednesday this year, but at least it was a fun easy-going day at the office. I basically ate my way through the day. First, we had cake and ice-cream for breakfast! Mike and Joanne made me a red velvet cake with cream cheese frosting and berries on top and it was yummy! Then, Nick and I had sushi for lunch at Musashi.

After work, Devin, Kayla and I went to Fisherman's Grill for dinner. (I was really craving seafood that day.) I'm so lucky that Kayla is a good eater. She ate ALL of her broccoli and a few bites of fish and chips.

Kayla was eager to get home. After all, she patiently waited all day to have a piece of chocolate cake that she and Daddy made!

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